Icelandic Fish

Baked Wild Icelandic Wolffish Fillets

Serves 2

What You Need

4 GO WILD Icelandic Wolffish Fillets

1 tbsp Clarified Butter

2 tbsp Lemon Juice

1 basket Watercress

2 bunches Scallions

8 Cherry Tomatoes

1 tbsp Butter

2 Eggs

2 tbsp Whipping Cream

2 tbsp Caraway

Salt and Pepper


  1. Rinse the scallions, remove the root and cut into slices.
  2. Rinse and halve the cherry tomatoes.
  3. Rinse the fillets, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Whisk together the eggs and cream and season with salt.
  5. Heat the clarified butter in an ovenproof skillet, saute the fish on one side, pour in the eggs, sprinkle with caraway seeds and bake in an oven preheated to 160°C (approximately 325°F) until the eggs puff up.
  6. Saute the scallions with the cherry tomatoes in butter.
  7. Spoon the scallions onto a plate as a bed, place the fish fillets on top and garnish with the tomatoes and watercress.

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